Legacy Versus Modern Telecom Equipment

Legacy Versus Modern Telecom Equipment

Legacy Telecom Equipment Stands the Test of Time


With a warehouse full of legacy telecom equipment that has been refurbished, we know that the old saying “They don’t make ’em like they used to.” is true. The modular design of the DCDs and the more modern SSU favored the durability of the entire unit with cards that can be easily replaced. Syncworks does not always “rip and replace” except when it is in your best interest. What follows is our attempt to give a balanced view on new versus legacy equipment in your telecom, cable, or utility network. 

Pros of owning and maintaining a legacy telecom timing platform:

1. Familiarity: Legacy systems have been in place for a long time, and the staff is usually familiar with their operation and maintenance. This reduces the learning curve and training requirements for employees.

2. Cost: In some cases, maintaining a legacy system may be more cost-effective in the short term. The initial investment has already been made, and the ongoing maintenance costs might be lower compared to upgrading to a modern system.

3. Stability: Legacy systems have been proven and tested over time, which means they have a track record of stability. They may have fewer software bugs and compatibility issues since they have been extensively used and debugged.

Cons of owning and maintaining a legacy network timing system:

1. Outdated Technology: Legacy systems often use outdated technology, which can result in limitations in terms of functionality, performance, and scalability. They may lack support for newer protocols and features, hindering interoperability with modern systems.

2. Maintenance Challenges: As technology advances, it becomes increasingly difficult to find skilled personnel who are proficient in maintaining and repairing legacy systems. This can lead to longer downtimes and increased costs for repairs or upgrades.

3. Security Risks: Older systems may lack modern security features and are more vulnerable to cyber attacks. With the growing sophistication of cyber threats, legacy systems can pose a significant risk to the overall security of the utility network.

Pros of modernizing legacy telecom equipment:

1. Improved Functionality: Upgrading from your legacy telecom equipment to a modern system allows for enhanced features and capabilities. This can include advanced synchronization techniques, increased accuracy, expanded network management capabilities, and compatibility with newer technologies and protocols.

2. Increased Efficiency: Modern systems often provide better efficiency in terms of energy consumption, network utilization, and overall performance. They may also offer automation features that reduce manual intervention and improve operational efficiency.

3. Enhanced Security: Upgrading to a modern system can address security vulnerabilities present in legacy systems. Newer systems incorporate robust security measures, encryption protocols, and improved monitoring capabilities to protect against cyber threats.

Cons of modernizing the network timing system:

1. Cost: Upgrading to a modern system from your legacy equipment typically involves a significant investment in terms of equipment, installation, and training. The initial cost can be substantial, and the return on investment may take time to realize.

2. Learning Curve: Adopting a new system requires training and familiarization for the staff. This can temporarily impact productivity and may require additional resources for training and support during the transition period.

3. Integration Challenges: Modernizing the network timing system may require integrating with existing infrastructure and systems. This can introduce complexities and compatibility issues that need to be addressed carefully to ensure smooth operation and minimal disruption.

Overall, the decision to maintain legacy network timing system or modernize it depends on various factors such as cost, functionality requirements, security concerns, and long-term business goals. Evaluating the specific needs and conducting a cost-benefit analysis will help utility companies make an informed decision. Rip and replace is not longer the obvious choice with Syncworks having a deep warehouse of ready to ship legacy telecom equipment.

About Syncworks

Syncworks is a the national leader in GPS security. Critical infrastructure in the US is a top priority at the highest level of government. Our mission is to enable, educate, and support efforts to become complaint with celestial and terrestrial GPS systems working together.
Our flagship product, the TimeProvider® 4500, is a gateway clock that accepts multiple inputs from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Synchronous Ethernet (SynE), and IEEE 1588 PTP Grandmaster Clock and E1/T1 digital transmission links.  

As of January 1, 2024, we have expanded our Field Services to include Antenna Installation and Entrance Facility Cabling, Legacy Equipment Decom and Traffic Migration, Disposal (hazmat) Services, Radio Commissioning (MW, P-LTE, CBRS), Enterprise Wi-Fi.

For more information, contact sales@syncworks.com or call (904) 280-1234