How To Transition Your Legacy Equipment

Today’s timing systems are required to provide services to both legacy TDM (frequency) and Next-Gen (packet) systems. Our 3rd Generation BITS provides a sustainable, future-proof solution that will meet all your network’s timing needs. With GPS vulnerabilities and 5G deployments on the rise, 3rd Generation BITS will modernize and harden your synchronization network.

syncworks output panels and tp 4100

Above are four Syncworks’ output panels with 20 outputs each and two TimeProvider® 4100s.

Sync and timing 3rd generation bits
Sync and timing 3rd generation bits

The TP 4100 is an investment in a platform that will evolve with industry needs. It features an IEEE 1588 v2 PTP grandmaster with PTP, NTP and SyncE capabilities. It meets Primary Reference Time Clock Class A, Class B and enhanced Primary Reference Time Clock (ePRTC) specifications and Class C and D specifications for multidomain boundary clock.

TimeProvider 4100 Server Physical Outline

GNSS with multi-band L1/L2/E5B support•Multi-band support GPS L1/L2C• Galileo E1/E5b• Glonass L1/L2• BeiDou B1I/B2I• QZSS L1/L2C

Primary Reference Time Clock (PRTC) Class A (100 ns) and Class B (40 ns)

Enhanced PRTC (ePRTC) ITU-T G.8272.1, 30 ns accuracy

Three PTP client inputs with majority vote for best APTS channel selection and Figure of Merit metric

Oscillator options: OCXO, super OCXO, and Rubidium

Profiles: Ethernet default, Telecom-2008, ITU-T G.8265.1, ITU-T G.8275.1, ITU-T G.8275.2, and defaultMulti-Constellations:

GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, QZSS and Galileo SBAS support

Architecture able to maintain ITU-T G8271.1 400 ns GMC holdover specification for up to 43 hours
ePRTC ITU-T G.8272.1 30 ns accuracy with support for both 10 MHz or 5 MHz input from cesium clock


Dual Microchip TimeProvider 4100s

Multiband GPS inputs supported

20 cc/DS1 additional outputs per panel

PTP, NTP, BITS, ToD, 1pps, 10 Mhz outputs

MAC Rubidium timekeeping performance


Mitigate GPS vulnerabilities

Resiliency and reliability

Packet-timing ready

BITS Technology – Generations One & Two

1st Generation BITS met the needs for the telecom industry’s rising importance in a world where communication needed to be faster and more reliable.

Many of these early systems are still in use today. These workhorses were solidly built but lacking the scalability features required for modern telecom networks.

DCD523 DCD400

2nd Generation BITS was an improvement that added remote connectivity and management plus software upgrade functionality along with these products:

  • TimeProvider 1100 – seen below
  • SSU 2000
  • TimeHub 5500

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